A trip to the grocery store

I went to the grocery store last night and everything seemed pretty normal. The parking lot was so packed and there wasn’t anyplace to park, so I thought I’d park in the side section. Not it’s not that there are assigned spots, but I think parking at the grocery store is a lot like church. When you come in to church, it’s kind of  expected where you’ll park and where you’ll be sitting, and it’s not that bad of a deal.  It’s so that way you always know where you should go and that’s a good thing. OK, so since there wasn’t a space to park in my regular spot at the grocery store, I parked in the side lot. No big deal right? After I tackled all the carts and the obviously very hungry people inside the store, out I came with the bag boy and grocery cart. I had to remember that I parked on the side and soon we were standing by my car. There were more cars parked where I was in the lot, but no problem getting the groceries packed into the back of the car. Then, I turned to get into the car and when I was just stepping into the driver seat, I looked over to ‘check out the car beside me’ and WHAT! Check it out –


So I turned away and then looked again. I’m not sure if I was thinking when I looked again if I wouldn’t see a turkey sitting in the front seat of this car or what, but when I looked again… there it was. Now my next step was to see if it was real. I did one of those things when you look around to see if anyone is watching and  then I found myself beside the car trying to make eye contact with this turkey. We’ve had turkeys on the farm and I know that they can be kind of sneaky. He just stared straight ahead and I didn’t know if it was ignoring me or just what was going on. So I’m trying to act cool and seeing what I could do to see if this turkey is real or not. Just let me say it was quite a job! When anyone would come out of the grocery store, I would have to pretend that I was just hanging out by my car and not trying to look in other people’s cars. So finally, I saw that it was a stuffed turkey that this owner must have just picked up from a taxidermy. Too funny! I have to say that it was just about the funniest thing that I’ve ever seen in a grocery parking lot.

Just hanging out in the grocery parking lot

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4 Responses to A trip to the grocery store

  1. tammy k. says:

    too funny about the stuffed turkey! years ago we had a turkey that took up residence on main street and would chase cars.

    and i know what you mean about parking in your regular spot at the grocery store! my husband is especially funny about this because he likes a certain spot and always tells me that way when he gets old and can’t remember things he should still be able to find his car. we’ll see if that works… haha.

  2. Judy says:

    This is about the funniest thing ever! I can just see you trying to act “cool” while checking out the car beside you. You may have to change your regular spot at the grocery store–you never know what you may find around the corner!

  3. Bruce says:

    Long ago I delivered some steel to a turkey farm. It was the day before thanksgiving, the owner asked me if we were having turkey tomorrow, when I told him no we were having ham he reached into a pen of turkeys and said take this and have it instead. I put the bird on the floor of the truck and headed down the road. The bird soon jumped up on the passenger seat and rode down the highway like that. Got a lot of stares.

  4. farm2011 says:

    Seriously, that is one of the funniest stories that I’ve ever heard!
    I just wish that I would have seen you driving around with that turkey.

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