Kyle headed back east

It’s that time again when Kyle had to head back to college. He was scheduled to fly back on Saturday morning, and we debated if we should head up to Minneapolis on Friday night or drive up early that morning. We decided that we’d leave early on Saturday and we should be able to get to the airport in plenty of time. 4:00 am came early, but Kyle had everything packed and soon we were all in the car heading north. Both boys pretty much slept the whole way to the airport, and even though I was trying really hard not to dose off, I was caught myself with my head nodding and taking small naps along the way. I never mind too much the trip to the airport (especially since Daryl usually drives!), but still hate having to see either of our kids leave. It does get easier, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it. It didn’t take too long and Kyle’s bags were checked and he was standing in the security line waiting to get to his boarding area. It does make it easier to know that he really likes his classes and we are hoping to see him this summer. I’m hoping to be able to drive out east and see where he’s been living and see his school.

William is still off for winter break, but will be also going back to school this coming weekend. The house is already quiet and I’m guessing it’ll be really quiet come Sunday!

Below is a picture of the guys at the airport. I’m thinking that we all looked kind of tired, what do you think?

Short night the night before


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