The Big Game

This time of the year ‘The Big Game’ can mean many things. It can be about some football game that’s playing, it can be a basketball game, but in our house around Christmas it means the Seinfeld Scene It game.

Annual Christmas game night

This has become a tradition in our home, and once again our family is gathered around the TV. The game has a DVD that you have to answer questions if you roll a certain number, so a TV is involved. This year we kicked it up a notch. We are now playing for big money. How much? $37. You are probably wondering why $37 right? Well, it was all I had in my wallet at the time. So the game starts and we’re all pretty close to each other on the board, so I’m figuring that there was still hope for me. But soon I had about 3 what I thought was really hard questions in a row and started to fall behind. Now granted no one else thought my questions were hard – but all that matters is that I did. We had a fun time playing, and it down to the boys and Daryl to see who the winner might be. Now, I won’t say who won because it was a family game night – but take a look at this picture and you might be able to figure it out. 

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