It’s official

It’s official. Our new bull has a name. I didn’t want him to go into the new year without a name, so I’ve been thinking a lot lately on what he should get called. Now I had a lot of names – but there are some people out there (you know who you are) thought that they were dumb names. For example: Winkle or another name was It. Good names right? So he would be called… ready? Bull Winkle or Bull It both names are awesome! But I guess if I named a big bull ‘Winkle’ it sounds way too girly and he would have this terrible complex or something. I caved, and continued my quest for a good name. Then it happened – I found a name for him. His name is: Ed. Ed the bull. Not fancy or clever, just Ed. But I love it. He’s getting a little more tame, so I’m hoping that I’ll take a little bit more time these next couple of weeks and spend it with him to see if he gets more comfortable with people around.

This morning was my first day back to work after the long Holidays and man was it hard to get out of bed. Daryl has the week off and the boys are both still home. I had to use all my power to get going. But the guys had a busy day. Daryl went to the hay sale to see if he could buy some hay and was able to find some that wasn’t too expensive.

New hay piled in the barn

They unloaded it in the barn today and Daryl said that he was so glad to have the boys home to help. We’ve never had piled hay in the barn before, but it’s a good idea. It’s going to be easy to get to for the cows in the yard, and it’ll keep it dry.  With all that hay in the barn, maybe it’ll be some new homes to our barn kitties. Because what they are doing now that it’s cold outside, is that they are taking Reno’s heated water pail and tipping it over. Why? Well Daryl has found them a couple of different times after they tipped over the pail, inside the pail! He said he was lifting it up and inside there were two kitties in it just as warm as can be. Pretty smart cats.

Even though they make a mess, those cats sure have a good idea.


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