Merry Christmas!

Christmas is almost over and as I’m writing this I’m thinking that it was another wonderful (and successful)  last couple of days. I know that Christmas isn’t really over yet, but it seems like after the ‘official day’, it just doesn’t seem the same does it?

Christmas morning at our house

So now I’m sitting in our living room drinking a diet coke and eating some candy debating if I should go out side and fix the strand of lights that doesn’t work. It got blown around in the crazy wind the other day and wouldn’t you just know it that it took out some lights. I have the worst time with those things on our fence. The real problem started the other day when the lights that are on a timer wouldn’t go on until late in the night. If I would be up late, I would notice that even at 2 am they would still be on. It was working pretty good for awhile, and then it seemed like it went crazy. So when I would notice that they wouldn’t be on of course I would be in the house already for the night and I’d get my boots on, put on a coat, and mess with that timer until the lights lit. Now about this time I had no idea on what time I was setting it for – but who cares right? As long as they would go on before I would get to the house. I did this a couple of times this past week, and then last night the timer wouldn’t even move. Not cool. I thought to myself that I can outsmart this dumb timer and took it off and plugged the extension cord directly into the outlet. Yup, I felt pretty smug and thought that I RULE. Then when we were leaving to go to my brothers last night Daryl asked what happened to the whole section of the fence that wasn’t plugged in? I forgot that I was using the timer also as extra plug in’s for the lights. So tonight as I’m sitting on the couch looking at that one spot that the lights are out,  I’ve been debating finding another plug in for the ones not lit up  and while I’m out there fixing the other lights – or calling it good and looking at it tomorrow. I think I’ll wait and maybe look at it tomorrow night. It’s pretty cold outside tonight.

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