Anxious for tomorrow

I’m anxious for tomorrow to come. Now normally you should never wish for the days to go fast, but in this case I want to change that rule, at least for this one time.We will be picking Kyle up at the airport tomorrow. Even though it was only 3 years ago when Kyle was able to spend Christmas with us at home, it seems like it was a long 3 years! So today I got almost all of the Christmas gifts bought,  and now I just have to hide them before they need to be wrapped.

I was able to get both boys room cleared out of ‘extra’ stuff last night, so these next couple of weeks they’ll be able to at least have a clean room to sleep in. I swear I don’t know why I have so much junk,  and I’m definitely going to keep working on downsizing! I think my stuff multiplies like the fish in the bible. You just keep having more and more….

I also made my first Christmas candy platter for the year. William delivered it to some very close friends of ours, and it would be a true statement to say that their family is  part of our family. One of the girls is going to have a baby, and even William said that he feels like he’ll be a new uncle.

As for more candy – I used up the rest of all the pecans that I had, so I was able to find a pretty good deal in town today for the next batches. Next week I’ll have to go to the Amish to pick up some more chocolate because I’m getting just a little too close to say that I will have enough.

Daryl and William called on my way home from town, and wanted to know if I would want to meet them for supper. Well ya, because I was getting pretty hungry. So we met at a local Chinese restaurant,  and even though it looked like a lot of food when she brought the plates to the table, we didn’t have any trouble cleaning them. With it being so wet and rainy outside tonight, it’s a perfect night to work on making some DVD’s from VHS tapes for my Mom’s friend when I got home. She’s going to surprise her kids with them next week Friday as Christmas gifts, so I better get on the stick and get them done! All I can say… is that it’s going to be close!

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