Both boys home

As we were driving to Minneapolis today, I was wondering when does it happen when your kids move from just being your kids, to also becoming your house guests? The reason that I was thinking about this was that before William came home this weekend, I wanted to make sure that his room was all cleaned and vacuumed so it would ready for him. Now this morning I was hurrying around the house trying to get Kyle’s room all set for him with fresh bedding and everything in order. I realized today that our kids are really no longer kids and this is just another new chapter in our life. It’s funny how many new chapters that we’ve started these last couple of years, and it’s true that things just keep changing. But as far as the ‘boys’ growing up and now come home as adults is almost unbelievable. I know the old cliche, “Where did the time go?” but man, this saying really seems appropriate today.

Before we went to pick Kyle up, and before I cleaned the upstairs, I finished off a birthday card that I was working on. I wanted it to be perfect and I’m not sure it is yet. I’ll wait and see what I think about it tomorrow night before I make the final decision if I’m going to send it out or not yet.

When I was outside with the chickens this morning, I heard some geese flying over and man they were loud. When I looked up to check them out I could hardly believe how many of them there was in their group. Take a look at the picture that I snapped real quick. It’s not the best picture because when I was trying to run to the house from the chicken coop,  I had Daryl’s shoes on (his were closer to the door when I went out than mine), but his shoes are waaayyyy too big. And after looking like I had something really wrong with me when I was running to the house,  I finally just took them off and ran barefoot. So it’s not the best picture, but it’ll give you an idea on how many birds there was.

As for tonight? Well it’s after 10 pm and Daryl just went outside to work on the car. Yup, the car. We left the airport about 1  1/2 hours later than we were expecting because Kyle’s luggage wasn’t on his flight, and we ended up having to wait until the next plane to get them. When he landed he said that they announced that they were told before they took off that the plane was too heavy, so I guess they took his bag off. Now that’s a heavy suitcase! He also said they asked someone to leave the plane. I wonder where that guys  suitcase ended up? We knew something was weird when everyone was gone in the baggage area … well, except for us, and there wasn’t any more luggage going around.

Just hanging out in baggage claim

But Kyle’s bags soon came and we were on our way home. The conversation was mostly about how the boys were doing in school and then it turned to what we should name our new bull. The bull conversation lasted quite awhile and finally the only noise you could hear in the car was Burl Ives singing ‘Holly Jolly Christmas’ and then it happened. Right when Burl just finished the song all you could hear was kkkkkkkkkkkkkk, and really loud. We soon found out that we had some trouble with the muffler. So there was a couple of good things that it happened tonight. The first thing is that it happened only about 10 miles from our house but still in town,  and the second thing was that when it happened, Daryl, Kyle, and William were there to find some wire by the cemetery were we stopped and was able to fix it good enough to get home.

But for now? The boys are both in the house and I’m going to check on Daryl quick and then head to bed. It was another full day, but with both kids home, it’s a really good night.


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2 Responses to Both boys home

  1. tammy k. says:

    okay, now don’t take this the wrong way, but when you said you were by the cemetary and ‘found’ some wire, i have visions of you all scrounging around the discarded flower pile looking for wire in old arrangements. and that made me giggle… hope the car got fixed okay.

  2. farm2011 says:

    Where did we find the wire? Well we didn’t have to go to the graves, but we checked out the fence around the cemetery and soon found enough that we could get off to get the car up and running again. Something about cemeteries and this car. Last summer William and I got stranded for around 3 hours when the car broke down at a different one, and last week I hit the deer by a different cemetery. Hopefully it only comes in 3’s.

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