
You know Dasher, and Dancer, ….., but did you know that Rudolf has a stripe?Well as of this morning he does!

What happened this morning when I started the car before I went to work, I noticed that I was missing a headlight. After I finally figured out which headlight it was, I took off for work. As I was driving, I was thinking about the day,what I needed to do and what I should do. Then I started to think about my lights again. I thought, ‘you know, if I hit a deer – I hope it’s on the driver side because I’m missing a light anyway’ But then I realized, dumb thought, really dumb thought, who wants to hit a deer? So I drove a little bit and then turned onto this cut across gravel road by the cemetery in town. Now I’ve seen deer here before and have always missed them. Well, until this morning. All of a sudden, here comes a deer that is running right in front of me. First thing I thought of, was how stupid of me to think about hitting a deer this morning. But then I slammed on the brakes to try to miss him. I could hear the car hit him and then all I heard was a gravel noise. I couldn’t tell if I was dragging him or pushing him on the road. I thought, oh no! I stopped and really didn’t see anything wrong with the car and didn’t see any deer either, so off to work I went. I looked at my bumper though when I got to work and found this.

Car mustache

People at work were asking why I shoved a brush onto my bumper. They thought they were pretty funny. What I found out is that on this cut across gravel road that I take, is right by some wild life reserve area and the locals said that there are so many deer there it’s crazy. Now THAT is something you should share with some one who takes that road, don’t you think!

William is done with his finals and has made it home this afternoon for the winter break. So tonight we all went to the Christmas concert at our local high school, and it was really a nice night and great crowd. But the best part of the night was a tradition where they ask anyone who wanted to come up to the stage and sing a Christmas song with the high school choir. I thought last year was cool when Daryl was singing when William was still in school, but this year was even better. Both Daryl and William were singing as the adults in the crowd. Kinda weird, but also kind of cool.

Singing Christmas songs tonight

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