St. Nicholas Day

Happy St.Nicholas Day! Since we celebrated St. Nicholas day early this year with my family, it seems a little weird to be still thinking about it. But today is the ‘official’ day. I was talking about it earlier this week at work and since no one knew or ever heard of the celebration before, I felt obligated to try to educate as many as I could. I wanted to also bring in some kind of treat for everyone, but never quite got around to getting it made last night. So I went down to the local bakery in the town where I work … and let’s just say going to the bakery when you are hungry is probably not a good idea. To start with, she just took fresh bread out of the oven and the whole store smelled like the bread and muffins. So I had her help  me make a platter of kolaches, sour cream and chocolate chip muffins, and cinnamon muffins. I had to try at least one of all of them, and they were fantastic! I ended up buying the bread and put it in my car for the day. Even though it wasn’t really that cold outside, I didn’t want my desk to smell like fresh bread all day. When I got home I had some stew in the crock pot for supper and decided to cut the bread to go with it. OK, this was one of the best loaves of bread that I think I ever had! So how much of it did I eat? I ate 1/2 of the loaf. I can’t believe that I ate that much, but I am so full now. I’ve been trying to not visit that bakery just because I love everything that there is in that bakery, and obviously I don’t know when to stop eating. But I’m thinking going there once in a while wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

One word - Delicious!

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