Chickens and the wind

I’m sure you know by now that I hate wind, so when the wind kicked up a notch tonight I thought it really wasn’t a good time to be carrying straw bedding through the yard for the chickens. But, they seemed to hate the corn cobs that were put in their nests, so I really didn’t have a choice. I didn’t get the bushel basket from the other farm to carry the straw, so a 5 gallon pail would have to do. I went up into the hay loft to see if I could find a full bale of straw, but it was already getting late and I ended up just pushing down some loose stuff down the shoot. It really wasn’t a big deal, and I think the hay loft of any old barn is so cool anyway. It’s been awhile since I was up in ours, and I decided that I need to get the kitties some special kitty foot for Christmas. We have a clan of cats that live up in the hay loft, and to say that they are wild would definitely be an understatement! Once I had the straw down in the aisle, into the pail I was shoving it to bring it over to the chicken coop. It was so windy and cold, I couldn’t figure out why I was getting straw in my mouth – well until I realized that I just needed to keep my mouth closed when walking through the yard! Ha Ha Ha!!!  I think the chickens did seem to like their new bedding, and I only ended up bringing in around 6 pails of it for them tonight. I think I’ll try to bring some in the coop every night so they’ll have something on the floor also when the snow comes.

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