Picky chickens

I checked on my chickens yesterday to see if they were OK with the new type of bedding that I put in their nests. I was able to get some crushed corn cobs for free and not only did I like the idea of the corn cobs in their nests, but the free part didn’t hurt anything either. So when I looked to see how many eggs were in those nests, there was nothing. And to be honest, they didn’t even go inside the nests with the new bedding. It looks like they all piled into one nest instead and laid their eggs. So I guess I’ll have to see if I can get my hands on a bushel basket to fill it up with straw from the hay loft in the barn and put it in their nests. I’ll also have to close up the one part of the chicken house too. I used to have enough windows for all the spots in the coop, but did you know if you took the windows out and set them along the wall – the chickens will tip them over and break the glass? Well if you didn’t know that, take my word for it, they will. So now I’m going to use the large plastic bags from the pop recycling to staple them openings shut against the snow that we’ll get in the next month or so.

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