Just not quite sure…

Have you ever been driving on the highway and then come across something that you just aren’t sure what in the world that you are seeing? You take a look at it, then look away thinking that it’ll change when you look back? Well today I was coming home from running some errands, and saw a pickup that had something in the back of it that I wasn’t sure what it really was. So I sped up to get a closer look at it, and my first guess on what it could be, was right. Take a look at this photo and see if you know what it is.

I think this is pretty funny! It sure looks like deer hunting season is open

So if you guessed it was a deer hunter with his deer in the back of the pickup, you are right! But it looks so funny with their feet sticking straight up in the air. I think he was wondering if I was stalking him, because I was trying to get a picture while I was driving, and I’m pretty sure he was watching me in his side mirror on his truck trying to figure out just what I was doing. Oh well, if you are driving on the highway with this in the back of your pickup, you just have to roll with the punches. But I would think it was almost too warm to go hunting. It’s December 3rd and I had the air conditioning on in the car coming home. Just crazy!

But since it’s December 3rd, it is not only my brother’s birthday, but it’s also the day that we have always put up our Christmas tree as kids. I still haven’t got our tree yet, and that’s OK. I do have the one up in the Roadhouse, so that one will have to do for awhile.

Before I went to run the errands, I was sick of trying to fit anything else in the cubby hole in the car. I think you know what I’m talking about. It’s the place that all the junk goes and it’s a spot that is in between both of the front seats in our car. This past weekend I was shoving something in it, and when the lid didn’t even close – I knew it was time to bite the bullet and clean it out.  I’ve been trying to ignore how much junk is in it, but today I just couldn’t take it anymore! So I took a mixing bowl and dug everything out of it. And could you believe that there was over $100 in change in there? Score! So now the only thing that is going back into the storage area is the car charger, small seed notebook, and a tape measure. You never know when you’ll need to measure something.

Crazy that this was all in the small compartment in the car!


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