
Now I’m not saying that I’m the ‘World’s Best Packager’… but I think I’m at least in the running. I just got done putting together a package for Kyle in New York, and I must say that I did a good job. You know it’s not like I haven’t had any practice before. But the one really weird thing that I just can’t get used to, is not having to put any custom paperwork with the boxes. All I have to do is just put an address on the box and send it. The last box that I sent, I mailed it Priority because it was paperwork the he needed for school. Well it took 15 days to get there! Can you believe 15 days? When I would send things to Korea it could take as little as 5 days, so I’m not sure what was going on with that box. So this week Kyle needed some things for his class and asked if I would put it in a package and mail it to him. So I boxed it up with other ‘stuff’ and then wrapped it up to get mailed tomorrow. I would say what all went into my box, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise when he gets it. He always said that sometimes when he would get a box, it was just like Christmas. I have always planned to send one to William, but with the concerts and football games that we’ve been able to go to, I just bring him extra things along with us. After Christmas when things settle down a little bit, I’ll plan on sending him some care packages also.

With most of the big stuff done for Christmas, my goal for the last couple of nights was to just sit down and watch TV. I’m pretty much caught up with some of the things that I needed to get done, so just sitting down to catch a good movie was going to be on my agenda. Well, I tried it last night. I looked to see what movie I could watch, and I was completely unsuccessful! There was absolutely nothing good on TV and the same goes for tonight. I ended up just shutting the TV off around 8:30 because it was bugging me. I haven’t watched much TV these last couple of months and I guess I’ve just got out of the habit of having it turned on again. Man, I sure hope this doesn’t last too long…. I think I’ll see what’s on TV before I go to bed.


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