Getting together at Ma’s house

What a crazy day Sunday was! There was just about everything that you could imagine going on, but you know what? We made it through it.

The day started when we all were getting together at Ma’s house to help finalize her Christmas gift that she got on Saturday from us kids. If you remember that I said my sister was very active in her town to help put up the holiday lights in her park, part of that was to make a Santa workshop in memory of our Dad for the park. So when Mom saw how cool that turned out, it gave us an idea that maybe she’d like one for herself. In our family it seems like we pretty much take turns doing things, and this project was done mostly by my two sisters. One of them cut out the design and the other one did the painting. But the rest of us did help some with the final assembly, and by late in the afternoon it was all done and lit up. Each one of us kids are represented as an elf, and Mom is holding the cookies and Dad is making toys on the bench. To give you an idea on how big it is, the bottom is sitting on two pallets.  My sister took a quick picture with her phone and sent it to my phone. So even though I didn’t go to phone class because William was just appalled to think that I would go , I was able to figure it out on my phone and have it sent to my laptop. Too bad William went back to school already. I’m not sure he’d be impressed with my talent, but at least he wouldn’t do the eye rolling thing again. So this is a picture of Mom’s Christmas gift. If you’re out driving around in St. Lucas, it’ll be lit up on her front lawn when you drive by. You’ll have to see if you agree that the little elf on the left is by far the cutest one in the bunch. Just by coincidence, that elf has ‘Bonnie’ wrote on her cap 🙂

Christmas workshop


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