What a good party!

The St.Nick’s party has come and gone and everything went over really well. On Friday, I went to the local nursery to pick up the garland that I had ordered. Daryl and William spent the morning putting it up on the house and it looks so nice when it’s up. I hate when it has to come down after Christmas, so I’m always glad when it’s been put up.

Daryl and William putting up the garland

I took a picture of the Roadhouse before anyone came and then I took one a little bit later when most of everyone showed up. We ended up having over 40 people during the course of the day, and had room for everyone to just hang out and do their thing. The little kids were playing old games that I put in the Roadhouse from the boys, while the older kids were playing wii and ping pong.

Before the party started

Just hanging out in the Roadhouse

Then the food. I asked everyone to just bring a dish to share and man did we have a good spread. We always joke if you leave a pot luck hungry that it’s really your fault. So once again there was much more food than we could eat, but we sure tried our best to eat most of it!

A lot of choices to pick from

Next on the agenda was to check out some of the old pictures that I was working on transferring from my Mom and Dad. I had so many transferred that we only had gotten through maybe 1/5 of them. But my brother had a good idea. His idea was that maybe next time we get together, we should just let them run on a TV somewhere so people can come and go and watch them during the day. I think I’ll see what I can put together and maybe we’ll do that for Christmas.

Every year we take a picture of the married girls with Santa. It’s called the green shirt club and we sure get a good laugh when we take a picture. Back in 1997 I had shirts made as gifts and every year since, we put them on for the party. The pictures always look the same, the only part that might have changed is the new girls that have joined the ‘club’. See, you have to be married to get a green shirt. Check out how good we all look

The married girls of the group

The last thing to do? Was William’s fireworks of course. But with the weather being so cold and windy, he really had trouble keeping them lit and shooting high in the sky. Everyone said that they enjoyed them, but William said he was disappointed on how they shot off. But I think he did a great job, and what a good way to end a fun day!

Now what am I going to work on? Well, since I got most of the Christmas decorations up and the cards sent out, I’m going to work on transferring some tapes over for one of my Mom’s friends. She was hoping to get them done by Christmas so she can give them out as gifts. That shouldn’t be an issue as long as the tapes are good. I guess I’ll find out soon if they are good tapes – I sure hope that they are so she won’t be disappointed.


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