Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I realized that I haven’t been doing so well keeping my posts updated. I’ve been spending extra hours at work (before and after) so when I get home and get a few things done… I’m ready to sleep. But now that I’ve got a couple of my big projects completed, I shouldn’t have to spend as much time at work. I’m going to really try anyway not to.

And to bring you up to date on what’s happening on the farm. Well, we’re getting ready for our next party, and it’ll be FUN! We are headed to the Roadhouse for the party and it should work out really well. The reason for the party is for St. Nicholas Day. I’m really surprised on how many people have never heard of St. Nicholas Day to be honest. We’ve always celebrated it, and so have my parents. What the day is about is that there was a Bishop in the 4th-century that was known for giving coins and small gifts to people who left their shoes out on December 5th. Then when they woke up on December 6th, they would find that he came and gave them these gifts. This was said to be the beginning of the tradition of Santa Claus. There are many different ways to celebrate the festivities, but it usually means celebrating them with family and food. But this year we’re doing something just a little bit different. We are keeping the tradition of having St. Nicholas come and having the small (and sometimes bigger kids) sit on his lap and give him their Christmas lists. But then I’ve transferred over some of my parents old pictures when not only when they were young , but also when we were kids onto the computer. So, it’s also going to be movie night. THEN the party really kicks it into high gear. I sent William to pick up some fireworks, and have you ever sent an 18 year old to ‘pick up some fireworks?’ Yea, we’ve got fireworks. After I looked at what he bought, it really made me nervous. I wasn’t sure if we should get a permit or not with the county. So I thought I’d be just kind of sneaky and just call to see what I could find out. WELL, when I called (and I was trying to be sneaky) I said, “Hello, this is ______” Yea, not so bright. So by this time they knew who was asking about shooting off fireworks. Well, anyway they said if I wanted to get a permit, that I had about an hour to get to the courthouse because the board of supervisors are there for only that amount of time and only a couple of times a month. So it was fate. I hurried to a good stopping point at work, and then off to the courthouse I went. I made it just in time and now we are all legal.

Only PART of William's supply

With the permit in hand, our Christmas tree up in the Roadhouse, and roasters ready for maid-rites and party potatoes for the party – I’m excited for the day to come.

The only thing that would make it better would be if Kyle could come home for the party. But he’s coming home for Christmas and that will be great! He’s spending Thanksgiving volunteering at the soup kitchens on the East Coast for not only those who can’t afford a warm meal, but also those impacted by the last hurricane, Sandy.

As for us today? We’re off to Daryl’s brother’s house for some turkey and dressing., and I’m sure a couple of games of euchre are in store for us.  Once again, have a Great Thanksgiving!

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