Awards and Pistachios

What a great weekend we had!

On Saturday we went to the to see Daryl’s brother recognized for an award that he received in Nashville this summer. They wanted to recognize him also in Iowa, so at the High School All-State music festival, he was asked to once again receive not only the award, but TONS of great compliments! The award that he was given was the National Federation of State High Schools outstanding music educator. One person in the United States is awarded it, and this year it was Daryl’s brother Leon. Now how cool is that? After the presentation, we all headed to the hotel to continue the night. Even though it was a late night (or early morning) when we all decided to finally go to bed, we really enjoyed celebrating this great accomplishment with him and his wife . Way to go Leon!

Check out how many people were at the festival

Leon Kuehner being recognized for the National award

William was able to go with us to the awards, and he was excited to see so many kids that he met when he was in Europe this summer. You know when I was a kid, we got to go to town once a year to get school clothes and we for sure never ‘networked’ with kids from other schools. But how that has changed, and I think the change is for the better. I think it makes kids much more outgoing. Going back to when I was a kid, I remember literally hiding when someone came into the yard. I’m not sure why, but we did. Now  I was watching an Amish show the other day on TV, and there was a scene when the girls went running to hide from someone who showed up while they were outside. I was thinking to myself, man they really look kind of silly… then I remembered doing the same thing. Humm… maybe I’m not too far off from being Amish after all.

OK, now to the pistachio part of this post. When we got home on Sunday, we went to get the mail from Saturday that we didn’t pick up before we left. When we looked at it, we weren’t quite sure what this one box was. Well, that was until we saw the return address. It was from Daryl’s cousin in California, and it was pistachios. Yea! We were lucky enough to have some the last time he visited Iowa, and we have always wanted to go out and help him with the harvest, but we just can’t seem to make it work to get there. There is quite a process to getting them from the trees to the nice packaging that he puts them into, and I think it would be really interesting to help out sometime. So far we haven’t opened up the package yet because we know how good they are, and we are afraid that once we do open it up – they’ll be all gone! Thanks Bruce for the nice surprise!

Yum !!



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