To See or Not To See

When I come home from work I have a certain routine that I do. I usually come into the kitchen, take off my shoes, find something to eat, and then put on my glasses to go through the daily paper and bills.

Well, all of this was really working well for me.. until Thursday. I had a lot to do after work and so when I came home I was working on about 3 or 4 things at once. I tried to keep organized until I realized I had no idea where my glasses were. In the rush of the day I never took too much time to look for them and started to look for them before I left for work. I’ve come to realize that they are becoming more and more of my attire. But I couldn’t find them in the morning. By about this time, I just couldn’t figure out what happened and grabbed an old pair and hurried out the door for work. All day I was trying to retrace all my steps from the past day and it was really a blur.

So when William came home last night he saw my glasses on the ground. Somehow they either fell out of my purse or the car – not sure. But what I am sure about, is that I won’t be using these again. BUT I did get my eyes checked the other day and was able to pick up my new pair of glasses yesterday. Talk about good timing. I wasn’t sure how I felt about my glasses, but now with my other ones broke, I guess they’re going to work!

Check out how William found my glasses in the yard, we’re thinking they got run over.


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