Good Bye Old Friend

My Toaster.

It was a good old toaster

This is the story of my toaster. It’s been with me for many, many years. I first got it 32 years ago when I lived in Decorah, and it’s been with me ever since. How I first got it was that my Mom wanted to know if  if my roommate or I had a toaster. Now that I think of this question, it’s not a common one, but at the time I guess I just answered that we didn’t have one. She couldn’t believe it, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that we really didn’t have any bread in the apartment, so why would we need a toaster? So my Mom bought us the toaster and from there on in we were pretty much in business. Now we just had to buy bread, and once we did – well let’s just say it sure tasted good!

So fast forward to this week. My toaster died. At first I thought that maybe it was just overheating one morning at breakfast, but when I tried it the next day… it was dead. I felt pretty bad and then when Daryl said that we should throw it away and he’ll buy a new one, I really felt bad. He had no idea how far back I went with this toaster and to be honest, this toaster was in my life before I even went out with him. Now when Daryl said that he would just pick up a new one, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. When I said that he just couldn’t pick one up and that I would see if I could find one that would work for us the next week, he said.. OK…..

If the next one last’s over 30 years, I’ll be in my 80’s, and I sure want to make sure that this new toaster is a good one!


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4 Responses to Good Bye Old Friend

  1. Judy says:

    The first thing I thought of when I read this is that if that was my 30 year old toaster and I was going to take a picture of it, I would have had to scrub it for quite a while!

  2. farm2011 says:

    Well, after I took the picture I thought that maybe I SHOULD have scrubbed it down before the picture was taken.

  3. Sherry Elwood says:

    ahhh yes….no bread in the apt. ONLY air popped popcorn for dinner:) Sounds familar. Ha!

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