Today’s purchase and working on a new project

Today was Day Light Savings and we had to turn back the time. Now I don’t know if you are a fan of this process.. but I HATE that we have to do it. It literally screws me up. I like having clocks around and I enjoy knowing what the time is. When we have to turn the clocks back (or ahead) you just never really know what time it actually is. This morning before I left to go an antique mall, I changed 7 clocks! And I know that Daryl changed some also this morning. You might say that if we didn’t have so many clocks, we wouldn’t have to change so many. Now even though this might be true, the fact still is the same. If we didn’t have to change the time, it wouldn’t matter how many clocks anyone has. See… I told you that I hate it.

So after I figured out just what time it actually was, I headed north to an antique mall that someone was telling me about Saturday night. They said that it was really a great place and that I should go there if I had a chance. I thought that this morning was a good time to go and see what it was all about and she was right, it was a fun place to be. I ended up looking around in the store for over 2 1/2 hours.

Inside the antique shop, but only the very front part of the mall

My goal was to see if I could find some old signs for the Roadhouse, but nothing really caught my eye. But I did buy a couple of things. The one thing that I bought was this:

Cigar press

When I was checking out, the cashier asked me just what was it? Well, I said that it was a cigar press of course. She looked at me like, ‘Man she is really the smartest person I know’. OK, maybe she wasn’t thinking that exactly, but probably pretty darn close to it. So I didn’t want to tell her that it was wrote on the price tag just what it was. Then after she looked at it for awhile, she stopped and asked if I rolled my own cigars. Honestly, do I look like a cigar smoker? I tried to be nice and not be too sarcastic when I said that I really didn’t roll my own cigars or even smoke. Then she asked what I was going to do with this. By about this time, I’m thinking that she was sure asking a lot of questions, but I said with somewhat of a smile,  that I was going to hang it on the wall. She thought that was a good idea. Whew! It was a great place to go and I’m sure that I will be heading back there again in the near future. I have my eye on a couple of other pieces that I like. But they would involve me taking the truck to pick them up 🙂

After that, I went to Ma’s to work on a project that my other sisters started. I’ve wrote about that my one sister is involved with the lighting of the park project, so my three sisters created a workshop that will be put up when they have the lighting and it’s going to look really cool when it’s done. I think those three got the creative genes of the family, because they really did a great job coming up with the idea.  So the project today was to paint all the elves. And the best part of the project ? We worked on it at Ma’s and she had tons of great food. She had cake, brownies, kolaches, candy, and what else? Homemade noodle soup! We didn’t get everything painted, but we got the majority of it done. My sister ended up taking it home to finish it.

Busy day at Ma's


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