It seems like there is always something to do on the farm, and now that winter is just around the corner I feel like I’m behind getting ready for it.
So today I had a chance to check some of those things off the list that needed to be done before the cold weather sets in. I finished mowing the lawn one last time and then I raked all the leaves from the apple trees on a pile. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with the leaves, then I decided to put them on the garden and burn them. Good plan, and I had a pretty good fire going for awhile. I took all the tomato cages and containers out of the garden and stored them in the middle chicken coop. It’s a good spot for them and it’s also close to the garden for next spring.
I cleaned up all the flower beds and flower containers and put the plants that I took out in the manure spreader. Daryl was planning on cleaning out the cow yard, so it was perfect timing for me to get rid of some of this stuff. After Daryl got the yard cleaned out, he spent the afternoon putting away machinery into the shed at this brothers for the winter.
Then I worked on getting some things organized in the basement. For some reason I think my junk multiplies! I found a box to use that I can bring to Good Will and have it almost full of stuff that we really don’t need anymore. And really maybe we didn’t need from the beginning!
With the sun out today, I took time to check out the chickens. They came outside to sit by the coop and get in some of that sunshine before it gets too cold. They sure enjoyed the afternoon with no one bothering them.
Next was church and now just heading to card club – I’m saying that we had a pretty successful day.