Heat wave continues

It has been so hot here lately and the crops are really starting to dry up. We have one part of the field that has more gravel on it, and the corn is really starting to look bad. For awhile this morning I thought we might have a chance at some stray shower that was passing by, but it was just clouds and by 11:00 the sun was shining. I heard on the news they were even telling people what to wear to stay cool and to just stay  inside. The weather was at 100 degrees today and it looks like it’ll be like for sometime. We really need some rain before the weekend, otherwise I’m not sure how our crops will turn out. Not good!

So while the sun was behind the clouds this morning, I spent the time weeding and watering the garden. The lettuce was getting pretty big, so I was able to cut it and have some for dinner today. I know that William wanted me to see if anyone wanted to buy it, but you know how that goes. If I’m cleaning it, and I want to eat it, and William isn’t around.. it doesn’t take long to figure out that I’m going to have it as a meal. đŸ™‚

What a great salad I had today

I also worked on cleaning the scrapbook room and our bedroom. I had some extra ‘stuff’ in it from the past few months (graduation and Kuehner reunion) and with both boys gone for awhile – it was a perfect time to take back our spaces. I did miss William helping me though when I was moving the fainting couch down the steps. I did get it done, but man was I sweating by the time I got done with that!  As for the stuff I moved? I’ve just got to be ready to have it cleaned up before they both get home again, otherwise I’m guessing that they aren’t going to like having these things being stored in their rooms. It’s not too much, and nothing but a few totes wouldn’t fix.

Kyle is in New Jersey and I’m anxious to hear what his 4th of July plans are going to be. Being on the East Coast , I’m betting that they’ll have fun. His travels have been going really good and that makes it so much better than last time. His window works and the passenger floor isn’t getting wet from the clogged air conditioner line. Like I said – much better this time.

As for tonight? Daryl went singing about 1 1/2  hours from here with the group that he sings with and I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. I guess I could water the garden and flowers again or watch a movie and drink a beer. Yup, I know which one I’m picking.

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