Heading North…

I’ve decided that the only thing that is a constant in our family is change. Today again was one of those days. It seems like just yesterday (and not three weeks ago!) Kyle and Ali came home. But as the days went on, I knew that they would be heading back, and I was really not looking forward to it at all. It’s been really nice with the kids here and I’m so glad that they came for William’s graduation. But like I said, everything is always moving and changing, and Kyle has an interview he needed to get back for, so this morning they left to head north. And would you believe it that they took that pesty little kitty with them? They had their paperwork in hand when they left to hopefully get him over the border. They’ve been calling as they’ve been passing over the states, and so far so good. They should be calling again soon to say that they’re in Canada, and at their hotel for the night. Of course with the little kitty, they had to find a hotel before they left that would take pets. I don’t think that this little kitty has any idea how lucky it is! But I have to admit, I kind of miss the little thing. When you would open the front door – there it would be, sleeping on top of the dogs. Then it would make a bee line to get in the house. After trying to find it … and then putting it back outside, it became a game that I think the little kitty would win every time.

Packing the car - I don't think the dogs wanted them to leave either!

Ready to head north!

So when Kyle left, I took a picture of William handing over his car keys to Kyle. The car is packed to the roof and I’m hoping that they didn’t forget anything at our house. If they did, I’m not sure that there was much extra room to put it anyway.

William handing over the car keys to Kyle

Driving back to Canada today

Now since William didn’t have any wheels, both him and Daryl went back to look at the car that William and I looked at yesterday. It’s a nice used car, and they ended up buying it and driving it home.  With hopefully luck on our side, it’ll be a car that William will be able to use through college.  So as of tonight, the Impala car is living in Canada and William is driving an Oldsmobile.

William's new car

I worked on a candy order that was delivered today and then mowed lawn again. Man if Daryl’s hay is growing like our lawn, the second crop is going to be a winner! Tonight is a couple of graduation parties and it’ll be perfect weather for those. We have 8 graduation parties left to go to this spring, and then it’ll be on to the next thing. It sure seems like forever ago since William had his.

Quick card for one of the parties tonight


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