Garden in .. finally

We worked up the ground in the garden maybe 4 weeks ago and by this week the weeds were in full force. With getting ready for everything else, we knew that the garden was just going to have to wait. So today was the day to work on it, and by the end of the day all the weeds were gone and it’s planted with a variety of good stuff. We have tomatoes, green peppers, cherry tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, tons of onions, basil, lettuce, and cabbage. I have a lot more peppers and cabbage that we need, so my brother said that he’d take the peppers .. but the cabbage is just part of that deal. After what I saw that we ate for cabbage for William’s graduation, I’m pretty sure that I’ve got just way too many!  I laughed when William and I were planting the onions because I must not have got all the onions out of the packet. I’ve never noticed it before today, but the onions started to grow inside and pushed out the bottom of the packet.

I guess I didn't get all the seeds out of the pack

Some pretty good roots on the plants

Daryl spent the late afternoon cutting the hay. It’s not supposed to rain for a couple of days, so it’ll be good drying weather for it. He thinks he’ll do big round bales of the hay this crop.  And how did the day end? With a good game of euchre with Kyle, William, Allie, and Daryl. I’m not sure who’s going to win, but it’s getting pretty loud in kitchen while the game is going on.  The kids decided to hopefully go camping next week instead of this week. Too many people at the park with Memorial Day coming up.

Looks like trouble if you ask me...

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