Busy Day

Even though it was kind of rainy this morning, I was able to start to work on the fire pit. Let me tell you that it wasn’t  a fun job! The bricks are 29 pounds and they were in the back of the pickup. So first you had to get them out of the pickup, and then try to get to the patio without stepping in too much mud. I put down some boards to walk on, and that did work pretty good. But by the end of the time that I was working on it, my pants were literally wet up to my knees. I gave up on my shoes, and eventually took them off. Now this sounded as a good idea at first, but when I came into the house and took a look at them. Yea, not so good. I washed them and then took a foot scrubber pad and scrubbed some more. They still don’t look the best – but I’m going to soak them again tonight before I go to bed and see if I can get them to look a little bit better. Now I know my feet never really look good, but wow, they really looked bad today. We didn’t finish with the fire pit, and hopefully we’ll get it done tomorrow.

I also checked on my flowers that are planted by the windmill. With all the rain lately, it’s so wet down there that I don’t know if they’ll pull out of it. When you walk around the area, you can hear the water just sloshing in the ground by your feet. Kind of cool, but now it needs to dry out. I also saw where the dogs must have been trying to catch some kind of critter. I was hoping that we wouldn’t have trouble with the flower beds and the dogs this year – but I guess that just won’t be the case.

Bad dogs... again.

I spent some time working on a scrapbook for William. I just shake my head when I think that I’m just starting this now. When I lost my job, the first thing that I said that I was going to do, was to work on these scrapbooks. For some reason, I’m just starting them now. I guess that it’s not a big deal that I’m doing it this spring, and I’m working really hard not to spend a lot of time on each page. So far, so good.

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