Second chance

Over the weekend, Daryl said that there was a corn planter on a sale coming up but he didn’t say much more than that. So I didn’t say anything much about it until Sunday, when he asked if I was going to go to the auction and check out the planter. Did he want me to go and bid on it? Well the answer was yes. He told me what auction number it was because he checked it out on Saturday. I really needed more information, like what does a John Deere 7200 6 row planter look like! And tell me again what a nitrogen tank looks like on a planter. Luckily they had a web site, so we checked it out there. He told me what to look for and also what should be included with the planter. I needed to watch for the monitor and also if it was for both soybeans and corn. ok.  I was still nervous, but tried to act cool and said, ‘sure, no problem’. This was the same auction place that I went to a year ago and was such a rookie. So last night I went to bed late and when I crawled into bed, Daryl was there already and sleeping. I kept thinking about how I’m going to get another chance to buy that corn planter that I tried to buy last year and needless to say.. I sure couldn’t get to sleep. Then Daryl started to snore. Didn’t he know that I needed to sleep if I’m going to outsmart these other guys at the auction? Obviously not! Finally after a couple of suggestions that he should stop snoring, he finally did and we both got to sleep. I kept dreaming about the auction and was excited when the alarm went off. I told Daryl that I was planning on going to the auction at least an hour ahead, but he convinced me that I didn’t need to do that and it was a good decision. But what should I wear? Well, I wanted to dress the part, so I wore boots, two pairs of socks, tights under jeans, insulated shirt under a wool sweater, two layer insulated coat, a couple pairs of gloves, head band, and then…. I brought along my insulated overall! I wasn’t sure if I was going to need the overalls or not, but into the car they went. I didn’t know if I should be looking like a girl or if I should try to blend in with the crowd. So I tried to cover all options. I wore big black boots and Daryl’s big gloves so I looked kind of tough and then it was topped off with a dash of perfume. You just never know if it’d work right? When I pulled into the parking spot, the guy next to me was just putting on his overalls outside his truck, so I grabbed mine and on they went. I was so excited to see if I could get that planter for Daryl, but after the bidding started I knew that it wasn’t going to happen today. It went for almost twice as much as we wanted to spend and I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. Before they started the auction on the planter, I had to wait for the rows and rows of other stuff they were selling. I mostly just hovered around the planters and thought for sure that I was going to get it this time. I smiled at the people that walked by, and thought to myself that I was going to win. But I guess not this time. When I was heading to the car, I realized that I had on so much clothes that I felt like the kid in the movie, ‘Christmas story’ when he was trying to walk. But you know what? I wasn’t cold this year at all!  So off came the overalls and the two coats and into the car I went and headed towards home. I really had a good time today and there is so much to learn at these auctions. And even though I’m by far not an expert – I’m sure getting so much better than I was a year ago!

Not the best picture, but I put my camera on the car to take the picture

Rows and rows of trucks..

Just hanging out at the auction


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