Next Projects .. DONE!

I finished up with scanning in all the old slides from Mom today which was a good job done! There are so many of them that I haven’t seen before (or maybe I don’t remember) that I sure had a good time checking them out when I transferred them. My scanner keeps track of the slides that get transferred, and the last one that I scanned today was number 783. The next thing that I was working on was trying to figure out why I wasn’t able to transfer the negatives. I just don’t quite have that mastered yet. So until I can get that figured out, I’m going to work on scanning in the old pictures from Mom, and that way we’ll have all the old photos all in one spot. I won’t be able to make it over to Mom’s tomorrow to pick them up, but maybe later this week. I need to keep working on this so I can get this finished. My family is planning on getting together at our farm to have ‘movie night’ and I’ll want to have this much more organized than I have it now!

I also got back the last of the old home movies that I sent out and I sure had a good time watching them. I didn’t get a chance to watch all of them yet,  but man oh man that was also a good project finished. I feel good about this being done.

Then today I cleaned out the greenhouse and got it ready to start to plant the garden seeds. I was thinking about starting to plant them today, but then it snowed. I took that as a sign, and went into the house instead. William suggested that I should start planting them inside the house and then transfer them outside to the greenhouse, but we’ll see on that. I’ve got stuff stored where I would have to put up a table to start the seeds, and I don’t think it would work to have them both there at once. But anyway, it was another good job done and now I just have to figure out what I’ll be planting this summer. I do know one thing – I’m NOT going to start so many tomato plants. I had way too many last year!

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One Response to Next Projects .. DONE!

  1. tammy k. says:

    ha, you sound like my grandpa did when he was getting ready to make garden. he always swore he wouldn’t put so many plants out and then would end up with so many, he would plant them along the fence of the dog pen and even next to the old outhouse! i called him grandpa, but he was really my great grandpa and he had a garden all the way up until he was in his 90’s. best tomatoes in the world. his house sat on an acre of ground surrounded by farm fields. not much of the yard was ‘yard’. most of it was garden.

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