Rainy day

It started to sprinkle last night and continued to rain today. It never rained hard and we are hoping that we’d get some more rain tonight. The fields are dry and as long as it’s wet outside – let it rain!  After I fed the animals and checked the gopher trap (empty), William and I went to town to pick up a new flash for my camera. I’ve been waiting 6 + weeks for it so I was excited that it actually came in. When we got there we found out that it wasn’t going to work with my Nikon. Bad news! So I ended up buying the one that I was planning on in the first place. Funny how that works.

I’ve been keeping tabs on a rooster that I’ve called Walter. The other rooster that he ‘used’ to share the one side of the coop with,  picked on him so bad I had to move Walter in with the pheasants. He was in tough shape before he met up with this bully (he was blind in one eye – probably from another fight) but now the bully pecked his head so much he left a very large indentation on it. Well more like a hole. Not sure how you can live with a hole in your head and blind – but that Walter, he’s tough.

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