It’s laundry day

Has it been raining a lot at your house? Seriously it’s been raining and raining at ours! Now it’s not my first rodeo and I know that the rain is going to stop probably just when we need it for our crops, but it would be nice to stop for at least a day or two wouldn’t it?

Now I really like hanging laundry on the line to dry, so can you guess how many days these clothes have been rained on? Well if you guessed 4.. you did not guess correctly. And if you guessed 6 you are still wrong! They got rained on 7 times! Yup, 7 times. I seriously thought that maybe I didn’t even need to wash them and just let nature do the job.

But I held my ground and I wasn’t going to bring them in until they were dried and I even had to rewash the ones that fell on the ground again after the last downpour! But finally the big day came and into the house I brought the clothes. Normally my house smells a lot like soap – but these days? Well these days it smells like fresh laundry that has been on the line for over a week! 

I guess there is always a rainbow after stormy weather isn’t there 🙂 

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