Guess what we did today…

Painted! OK we didn’t really paint all day today, I ran to town to pick up some more paint because we were out. It’s really hard to believe that we could run out of paint because it seems like we’ve been buying it for months and months now, but it’s true. So when I was picking up some ceiling paint and a couple more gallons of primer, I also wanted to pick up the wall paint for the Roadhouse. It was really hard to make a decision on what color to pick out for the walls. I had a sample that I got from a different store that I really liked and it was the color grey. Do you have any idea on how many grey colors there are in the paint world. A Lot! Finally when I found a color close to the one that I liked, I had to wait for them to mix it up. I went walking through the store and came across the display for the Christmas towns that you set up. These are what some people put up over the holidays and you make some towns or villages. We are one of those families that do set up a village every year. Our village started with a small house that our neighbor gave us for Christmas over 20 years ago. I didn’t really collect them at the time but I did pick up a couple of houses in the next couple of years so the one house that we had wouldn’t look so weird by itself. Up until that point, it looked like we had a single house in the country.  So while I was waiting for my paint, I was just standing by the Christmas display and I’m telling you I felt like those kids that they show on TV when they are looking in the store front windows at all the toys for Christmas. I was just standing there smiling and not caring about anything else. The new items that they have this year is a merry go round with the horses going up and down and the other new one that I saw was a dance hall with a two story house that the top story is all glass and the dancers going around and around. After I watched them for awhile I thought I’d better go and check out my paint. They were done, so back home I went with 15 more gallons of paint and primer. And can you believe it? After painting today, we know now that we won’t have enough to finish the ceiling. I’ll have to get some more. Oh well, it’s a good excuse to check out that Christmas display again!

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