Farm Trees

I had someone come over tonight to check out some trees that we want removed and to give us an estimate. And one of the first things that I asked him is if he was licensed and then I showed him the trees. 🙂 

See after the terrible storms that literally blew through this summer and took out a bunch of our trees, it’s got me a little scared that more trees will fall down. And if they fall down, guess where they’ll fall? Well they could fall right on our house if the wind is in the right.. or in the wrong direction! 

Well for now as the fall wind blows and the trees start moving, it makes me very nervous and I sure hope he can help us yet this year to take these trees down. Of course the trees that we want taken down are one of the the tallest ones on the farm. The trees are the ones behind our house. Yup, the tall ones! See why I asked if he was insured? 

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