Fun Day

Today I had the chance to spend with my nephew and was it fun! He has preschool everyday except on Wednesday, so when I was asked if he could spend the day with me, I thought are you kidding? I would love to have him come to our farm!

Our first activity was to do crafts. We got out all the paper from the scrapbooking room and brought them downstairs. The only way to get a good look at the paper was to lay them out all over our living room floor. Once we had only the best paper picked for the job, off to get the glitter and stickers. We moved into the kitchen to give us the most room and by then end of the morning he had a great poster made for him to bring home. When I asked where he was going to put it, he said he was going to hang it up in his bedroom so he could look at it everyday.

Then off to McDonalds for dinner and to the farm store for chicken feed. We spent about an hour just checking out the toys at the farm store that they have out for Christmas and it sure brought back memories of our boys when they were little. You know when you stand and look at all the tractors and trucks and when each one looks bigger and better than the last one you just saw? That’s exactly what happened today when we were looking at them. People say kids now are so different – but I disagree.  I think they all see things the same way.  We even had some people coming into our aisle to see what we were looking at because it sure sounded to them that we were having a good time. .. and we were! We eventually found the chicken feed and headed home to get them fed. I thought my nephew would have been kind of scared of the chickens because there is a lot of them and they can be noisy. But he was right in there with all of them and helped picked eggs. I let him take one of my cameras and when I looked at the farm pictures he took, some of them turned out really good. The one that I’ve included in this post is the one he took of a chicken sneaking feed. We left the lid off the container and when we turned around a chicken was just helping himself.

Helping with the eggs

Chicken sneaking food - my nephew's picture he took

When my brother came to pick up my nephew, he said he wasn’t ready to go home yet because we didn’t get everything done that we wanted to.  But I think that’s the way it always goes. I hope he’ll come back again and bring his sister next time with him.

I knew that I needed to get the garden cleaned up, so after my nephew left I went to figure out what still needed to get done. I pulled out the rest of the tomato cages and raked the stuff left in the garden all on a pile. Tomorrow I’ll burn it to get rid of the weeds for next year – I hope anyway. But when I was in the garden I found a lettuce plant that was just sitting out in the open and still looking good. How in the world this wasn’t froze has me. It’s been in the 20’s at night and it should have been long dead by now. There wasn’t anything covering it so it’s a mystery to me. The other thing that I found was a crazy radish. It’s looks like something that one guy on the dish channel eats from foreign lands. For us,  it wasn’t something on our supper menu and the radish went into the trash. I put a quarter up to it to show how big it is.

Crazy radish I found when cleaning up the garden

What? Lettuce in November?

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