Quiet Sunday

I know that I haven’t posted an update for a couple of days -but man we were really busy. It seemed from Thursday on, we spent most of our time as a family at the high school. The school showed the musical on Thursday morning, Thursday night, Friday, and then Saturday. So in between washing clothes, trying to figure out supper that can be eaten in the car if necessary, and getting gifts for the kids in the play – nothing else really got done. And I mean nothing! But you know, I think that it’s OK. Your kids are only in school for a short time and then it’s over.

All the shows went really well and I’m very proud of William, Daryl, and all the kids in the musical. They all worked hard with their lines and songs, and were able to give the crowd really good performances. After the last show, it’s tradition for someone’s family to have the cast party and we were happy to host it this year. I was busy making food and then thought what happens if no one comes? You never really know how many kids will come and much less how much they’ll actually eat. But I made a taco dip platter, we had 3 platters of sub sandwiches, crock pot of hot dogs, two different kinds of cheesecakes. 4 batches of beef jerky, 4 batches of bacon wrapped hot dogs, homemade caramel dip with fruit and marshmallows to dip, veggie platter and dip, chex mix, cheese/sausage/crackers, brownies and cookies with ice cream, and some of the kids and parents brought bars, cookies, and hamburger salsa dip. Well the worry that no kids would come and eat soon wasn’t an issue and when I went to get more plates and silverware after the first 50 plates were gone, I started to worry that I wouldn’t have enough food! But when everyone was full – we ended up with some hot dogs left, 1/2 pan of brownies, one foot long sandwich, and some chips. I guess we also had two pieces of cheesecake left (OK it was actually three but I had one for breakfast). We think we had around 60 people here and it was fun!  When some of the kids moved into the kitchen to play a card game of Spoons, Daryl and I were trying to find someplace to sit and just catch our breath. All of the rooms still had kids in them, so we thought we might as well head upstairs for awhile. We laughed and laughed when we laid in bed because if you are familiar with the Spoon game and how loud it can get, you should hear about 15 to 20 kids in your kitchen playing it. I swear the windows upstairs were rattling. I went down around 4 am to clean up the rest of the kitchen. By then it was much quieter and the spoon game was over. The kids were all just hanging out and 9 kids stayed overnight. Now that Kyle is gone and living on his own and with William’s time at school coming closer and closer to an end, I’m sure going to miss these times when your kids are in high school. William said that if I wanted, I can just send boxes of food to him often while he’s at college. For some reason I don’t think that will be a problem and I’ve saved boxes already for Kyle and I’ll have to just save more for William.  🙂   Some of the kids had to leave early for church and other obligations, but some were able to stay for breakfast.  After a good warm breakfast casserole and some toast – the last of the group went home around 11:30 this morning.

William during the musical

This is why it’s pretty quiet around our house. So now that all the excitement is over – both the guys are sleeping the afternoon away. William has been going to school around 7 am every morning to practice for the play, so I think now he’s trying to catch up on some sleep. As for me, I went to Sumner this morning to get some matting and frames picked out for the posters that I found. I didn’t have any trouble finding what I like and now I’m anxious to get them done and hung up in our house.

Daryl and the guys

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4 Responses to Quiet Sunday

  1. tammy k. says:

    loved those pics! it sounds like you sure had a houseful last night. what a wonderful thing, to have all those young people hanging around doing good young people things, not getting into trouble. i always liked it when my kids friends hung out here. we have a pool and it was popular in the summer for them to have friends over. i’m glad you posted tonight because it’s always nice to read your blog and i was a little out of sorts with things going on around my neck of the woods.

  2. farm2011 says:

    I hope everything is OK at your house.

  3. Jo Kramer says:

    Hey Bonnie…Thanks for hosting. Kalissa had a wonderful time. She also said you’d share the breakfast casserole recipe. We sure will miss William next year!!

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