Rock Stars

We are Rock Stars. Now I’m not bragging or anything like that, but strictly stating the facts. Rock Stars.

See my friend and I have been golfing for quite some time now – we’re guessing around 14 years. And in those 14 years we’ve come a long way. For many years, maybe around 9 or 10, we never could seem to get all 9 holes done. We had gotten really good at the ole wave them by gesture and it usually started around the 4th hole 🙂  

So after we had tackled actually golfing 9 holes (all in one night!) just a couple of years ago  we thought that we might be able to go to a tournament sometime in 2018. So our next challenge was to try to golf without cheating so much. And this challenge had gave us a run for our money. We would almost get to finishing up the 9th hole and then we’d cave and cheat.  

Well that was until tonight. So we played all 9 holes and we didn’t even cheat ONCE!! Now was our scores something to be proud of? I can honestly say …. no.  But we didn’t cheat and that was something to be proud of. 

Now I’m sure you are asking yourself what was our next challenge? Well our next challenge was to pay all 9 holes, hitting our own balls ( not playing best ball), AND not cheating. Whew! I sure hope we are able to do a lot of golfing this year because we’re going to need the practice!  


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