Weather forecast – Snow!

This is what we woke up to this morning – Snow! I am so glad that I painted the other day because I’m thinking that the weather can turn really fast. But I guess it is November. Snow, snow, and more snow this morning

I was really surprised this morning when I came to the house after I did chores. I was coming to the house and then I noticed that there was a branch that broke off one of the trees in front of our house. It looked like it did hit the roof but thank goodness it didn’t hit the roof with the sharp end of the branch. All morning the snow was melting and landing on the house from the trees – and by tonight most of the snow was melted. There is some left, but I’m guessing if the sun comes out tomorrow it’ll be gone.

Branch that landed beside our house

With all the snow that fell last night and it being so heavy and dangerous on the gravel roads – most schools around this area was delayed two hours. That meant that the mass that was supposed to be said for my dad today was cancelled. Today was the 5th year that he has passed away. I can’t hardly believe it. It seems just yesterday he was sitting at the kitchen table playing cards. So even though we didn’t have a mass for him, my Mom made homemade noodle soup. Now my dad HATED this type of soup but all us kids loved it. I think my dad is probably thinking – who in their right mind would want to eat that soup. He said it always tasted like glue and was going to stick in our stomachs.  But my two brothers, my nephew, and I, were able to go to Mom’s for dinner and we sure didn’t seem to have any trouble putting away a couple of plate fulls of her soup sitting at her kitchen table. I have made this kind of soup before but for some reason it never tastes or smells as good as when my Mom makes it. I laugh when I think of the first time Daryl saw some leftover noodle soup. He asked me why in the world am I going to eat french fries stuck in soup. I don’t think he ever saw homemade noodles before. He is like my Dad on his opinion of this soup. What do I think of that? I think… Good thing, more for me!

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