Going Crazy!

Daryl and I have been watching the weather -as everyone knows, and today was supposed to be a very nice day. OK, that is such an understatement. It was beautiful!! But the part that I was having trouble with and driving myself crazy, was that tonight one weather report said snow, the other said up to 1 1/2 inches of rain… So do I paint.. or don’t I? We came to the decision this morning that I wasn’t going to paint. Even though all that is left on the farrowing house was the trim, we thought we’d be better off safe than sorry. So off to doing errands I went and the weather just kept getting nicer and nicer. Daryl even called me this morning and asked if I was painting? What happened to the ‘no painting decision’? I told him that I wasn’t planning on it. Well as the morning turned into this afternoon I just couldn’t stand it. I called Daryl and told him that I’m going to finish the trim. I knew that I was close to running out of paint and I had the bottom of three pails to use. While I was painting I kept looking at my paint and finally thought that I was really going to run out. Not good news. I also knew that the two pails that had some left in them was covered with a top film and when I tried to use them, it wasn’t pretty. Daryl had the paint strainer cloth in his pickup at work so I was trying to think what I could use to get me a couple more brushes full. I remembered that I had some canning cheese cloth in the basement and off I ran. I cut a hunk off of it and kept the rest close in case I had to use more. (bad idea – the dogs played tug of war with it). So what should have been a 45 minute painting job, turned out to be a 70 minute job. At the end I had to use the roller in the pail with the leftover gunk and then used my brush to take off the gunk from it. But it worked and now the Farrowing House is really looking good! After talking with one of my brothers and his wife, we were all trying to come up with a new name for the farrowing house. It was a joke to call it the Road House but after a couple of days, we kind of like that name. I keep catching myself standing on our front porch to check out how it looks. I’m anxious for the white side caps to go on.

I’ll have to go back and do some white trim touch up paint and I’m thinking we’ll want to put on a second coat of red on the west side. But for now, it’s OK if we have to do that next spring. I usually drink a beer after I get done painting at the end of the day as a kind of reward to myself,  but now I have to stick with Diet Coke. I’m heading to our High School to take Musical pictures for the kids. Tonight is the first dress rehearsal with full makeup.

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