It’s a good trade

I stopped in at Ma’s tonight to drop off some kolaches and to see what she’s been up to.

Now if you don’t know what a kolache is or even if you do know what a kolache is – there are about a million ways to make them.

Now the type of kolache that I like are the ones that are made from sweet bread and then is braided on the top. 20161125_111535_resizedI’m sure you’re wondering if I ever make them?  and because I’m not very good at any type of bread making and with so many people who live in our area that are….  it’s such a much better idea just to let them do it.

So like I said that ones that people make in our area are pretty much closed on top with just the filling peaking out of them. The last ones that I ordered were Raspberry Cream filled and Blueberry Cream filled. YUM!

But I’ve eaten about 8 since I had gotten them (this morning!!) and well that’s just not good for any diet! So that’s why I decided to head over to Ma’s and drop some off for her. She usually has her friends come over for cards to her house and these rolls would probably taste pretty good with a cup of coffee.

And guess what I came home with? Beef noodle soup.  SCORE!!  She just happened to have some beef noodle soup in her refrigerator that she made yesterday. OK, I guess I kinda heard that she made the soup and so I didn’t even try to act surprised! 🙂

When I was heading to the car with my noodle soup I couldn’t help to think to myself ‘Yup, it was a good trade’ 20161123_190749_resized

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