Combining at night

The field work continues and we are very happy that the weather is also cooperating. With the good weather, I had a chance to hang out with Daryl this week and ride around with him in the combine. And guess what? I can see why he likes it. I mean there is no one to bug you and the phone isn’t ringing with surveys on who you would like to have for the next president or anything. It’s just hanging out in the field with the bright moon overhead and life if pretty peaceful. 

Well that is until your wife wants to ride around with you for awhile. 

It’s seriously the best opportunity to bring him up to speed on what’s going on and what we should be doing for the next couple of weeks or months. You know – really important stuff. 

So I try not to ride too long with Daryl in the combine, only once in awhile. We don’t have one of the newer fancy combines that literally has a ‘buddy seat’. Our combine you have to squeeze behind the seat and kind of jimmy your butt so you can fit. And when you have to turn on the auger to unload the corn? Yea, that can be a challenge. You are literally sitting on top of that lever. Oh well, it’s not that bad and really kind of fun hanging out with Daryl even if it’s only for a couple of rounds. And then I’m off heading back home to get some stuff done around the farm and house. 

Here’s a couple of pictures that I snapped the last time that I was Daryl in the field. 

Making the rounds

Making the rounds – looking down the corn rows from the combine cab

Unloading corn from the combine to the wagons in the fields

Unloading corn from the combine to the wagons in the fields


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