My Cold

I came down with a cold last Saturday and I’m really tired of blowing my nose.  

Now normally I don’t get sick, but getting a bad cold this second year in a row is more than enough that I want to deal with. I have no idea is if it’s an allergy thing catching up with me or maybe I’m just getting old or something. Whatever the case is, I don’t like it! 

And honestly how much snot can one person produce in a day? I literally haven’t stopped blowing my nose now for almost a week! 

So I turned to the experts -the internet,  to find out just how much snot a person makes in a day. 

And you would never guess how much!  According to WebMd, it’s up to 1 & 1/2 liters can be produced on an average day! GROSS!!!! So 6 cups of snot an average person makes in a day. Yea I seriously could not look anymore to see how much a person with a cold could make. 

Well there is one thing for sure, I bet you definitely have learned something that you never knew before reading this post!

And the next time you’re thinking that someone is full of snot – guess what? They really are 🙂 


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