Supper in the field

I have a question. 

How come when you eat either dinner or supper in the field it tastes so much better? I mean it’s really the same food now isn’t it that you would eat at your kitchen table? 

Well I was thinking about this tonight when I was making Daryl some supper while he was out combining corn.

So to get to the point of actually bringing the food to the field usually starts the same way every time. The first thing that I do is open the refrigerator and stare in and hope by some magic that there will be the perfect answer to what I should make or warm up. Now 9 times out of 10 that is never the case! 

OK, what should I make? So what I do (and I bet a lot of others also do this!) is to just start grabbing things out of the refrigerator and hope that as you are bringing them out that something will work. 

I always think when I’m making supper for the guys in the field about that one show when they give you like 20 minutes to make a meal.  I seriously think a farm wife created that show if you ask me! And it was in the fall when they were in the fields too! 

Like I said, you just start seeing what you have in the refrigerator and what you can warm up for the night. But guess what? When you have everything warmed up and maybe some potatoes fried, and then everything is packed in some kind of pan, it doesn’t look too bad! With my pans out to the field I always try to have a candy bar or two doesn’t hurt either. 

So with your cake pan covered and the sandwiches under the towels wrapped in tin foil, off you go to the field. And it’s like this anticipation when you pull the kitchen towel back to see just what’s on the menu for the night. And as your’e sitting in the truck cab or standing out in the field, you know that for some reason the exact same thing could be served while sitting in your kitchen and it just doesn’t taste the same. 

I’m not sure why it tastes so much better out in the field – but it just does. 20161005_194626_resized

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