Beautiful Fall Day

What a perfect day today was. I decided that this was the day that I’m going to get one side of the cattle shed done! When Daryl told me that painting in between the cattle sheds was hard, I thought to myself.. Really? How hard could this be. OK, I believe him now. My legs and arms are so sore, that I think I’m going to take another bath later tonight and take some Tylenol before I go to bed.  Now I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself – What a baby! But after standing backwards on the ladder most of the afternoon and having to put my one leg on the wall in front of me while balancing the pail of paint on that leg,I am sore. At one point I had to balance the pail on my stomach while I hung on to the building with the other hand. (See, there is a purpose for that extra weight after all!) I had a little trouble with Rion this afternoon. I’ve been working on getting him tame and coming to me when he sees me. Well, he wanted to come in the alley with me on the ladder. Not cool. I had to get down from the ladder a couple of times and chase him away. But I did get both sides done with red today. Yea! I still have to do the white trim on both buildings but that shouldn’t be as bad. I had to dig holes to put the ladder in so it would sit halfway straight, so I can just use those holes again and I should be good. I also was able to get the gas barrel painted today and then I started on the barn.

Grandpa Al tree this morning in all it's glory

Starting to paint the top of the west side of the barn today

I pulled out the tomatoes this morning that were by the windmill. When I was pulling them out they still had some green tomatoes on them and I thought to myself  – ‘I should pick these up and keep them’ But I have three containers in the basement that are working on getting ripe, so I have plenty to keep me going for awhile. But I did pick a couple of hand fulls and added them to my stockpile. I also pulled out the zinnias from in front of the garage. They went crazy this year and I think I’m going to keep some of the seeds to plant for next year. I’m hoping to get the flowers started early so they look nice for William’s graduation.

Good crop of zinnias this year

Daryl is working on chopping stalks up so he can chisel plow later this week. When I brought supper out to him in the field tonight, I was wondering what in the world he was doing. He said that he was done chopping but then there he was, driving around in the field with the chopper. I thought that maybe I didn’t listen too well to him because I thought he was all done, but then he said he was just getting the field ready for plowing. It’s supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow so he’s trying to get that field done before he comes home. I sure hope it doesn’t rain, I’m planning on working on  painting the barn again tomorrow.

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