The last of the field work (well almost)

We have someone do custom work for us to bale the corn stalks so we can use them for bedding in the winter. Daryl had the stalks all chopped up, and when the lady who does the baling called to see if she could bale them today he said he’d go over right away and rake them up for her. So she was able to get the bales made and Daryl started to move them. I laughed because he was moving some of them to our farm and I was kind of watching for him to come down the road. Then all of a sudden I heard him coming and I grabbed my camera. I quick ran outside and I swear he was driving in road gear through our yard. I did get a picture and I surprised myself that it halfway turned out! Daryl said he’s still has some chisel plowing to do, but he was glad that these bales were made this weekend.

Making bales of corn stalks for the cows this winter

Daryl ripping through the yard tonight

Closeup of the bale

We had a busy weekend with my niece getting married – but what a great day for her wedding. In October it could have been cold or rainy but it wasn’t either of those. They opened gifts today and tomorrow the newlyweds are off on their honeymoon. I’m not sure what my sister will be doing now that the wedding is over. Both her and my niece have been working on the wedding for about a year now! The wedding had so many unique touches added to it, that you really knew that they were working hard getting ready for it.

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