Just a couple of photo’s today – it’s raining again

Here are a couple of photo’s that I took today, well because it’s raining again. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that we’ll be literally praying for rain in July, but for now? Well we’re going to start to pray that it would stop pretty soon!

So my first photo is what it looks like outside this afternoon. Pretty yucky! But the grass is loving it. DSCN8879

The second photo is that of our chickens. They don’t even want to go outside with the weather like this! It’s around 43 degrees outside and inside it has to be warmer for them. DSCN8877

And the third photo? Well it’s a picture of my Lazy Lavender soap. Now I’m not saying that I’m an expert or anything like that with the soap making – but I’m kinda thinking that I’m rocking this look! Each color layer is a layer of soap (makes sense) And in these bars I poured 26 layers! And you thought it was just a matter of dumping together some oil and lye….. DSCN8876


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