What a great weekend!

Now there are weekends and then there are sometimes when your weekend gets kicked up a notch. And this weekend was one of those weekends! We’ve talked forever about visiting our friends in Minneapolis but just never made the commitment. Well enough of that and we grabbed an overnight bag and headed north to finally visit them and hang out with them for awhile. 

We had a little bit later start than we had expected but we didn’t end up being too late and soon we were off for a great supper with our friends and some dancing with the band ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Funky’. 

After sleeping in some in the morning 🙂 we had some extra time to head over to Paisley Park to see the memorial that people are doing for Prince. It was such an awesome yet somewhat weird feeling when you were there.20160501_141839_resized 20160501_141540_resizedThe fence goes all the way around Prince’s complex for 3 sides20160501_142857_resizedand I have no idea on how long the fence was, but it was huge! 20160501_142023_resizedAnd almost all the areas on the fence and ground was full. Even the walkways under the highway was made into memorials to Prince. 20160501_143655_resized

20160501_141357_resizedAfter a quick barbecue on the deck in their backyard, next on our weekend adventure is to go to The Who concert. 20160501_190625_resizedWe debated and honestly went back and forth if we should even go. I mean it was postponed from last October to May because of the lead singer’s health reasons. But do we regret it? Heck no! It was fantastic! The opening band was from England and was the Slydigs and they were also good. 20160501_193116_resizedBut for the Who which are kind of getting up there in their age – can still put on a great show! 20160501_213738_resized

Because we stayed over Saturday night, we knew that we needed to get back on Sunday night so we drove home after the concert was over. It wasn’t too bad and we were still all pumped up from the concert. We got home around 3 am and Daryl quick checked on some of the animals to make sure that they were OK. Everyone was in good shape because they had gotten plenty of extra feed and water before we left.

Then off to bed we went to try to get some good sleep before Monday rolls around.

What a great weekend! We so need to do this more often!!

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