News Update!!!

OK,  first of all I’m sure you are not going to believe this because to be honest I don’t think that I would if someone told me. But I’m going to tell it anyway so I can document it that it really did happen.

What happened was that I was watering everything this afternoon. It’s been hot and everything needed a good drink.  So I watered the garden, the flowers, the window boxes, and then I was going to water the tomatoes by the windmill. When I was walking over to the windmill with my water can I saw that Slick the gopher made two new hills. War is on right? So as I’m getting closer I see that the dirt is kind of flying up in the air. Even though I think it’s been awfully windy lately, I’m thinking to myself – man it really IS windy. Then as I get closer to the gopher hole that is open where the dirt was moving and something else moved. When I just got almost on top of it SLICK came half way out of the hole right in front of me!!!!! So the fierce hunter that I’ve become – I did what you would have expected. I stood there with my mouth open as wide as it could go and froze. Then I ran to the house with my water pail and mouth still wide open to get William. He just got home from picking rock all day and I begged him to go back with me to check it out. Well he did and Slick was gone. So William is thinking now I’m not only a weird mother but maybe also delusional one at that. The bad part of it is that he’s not really that big and almost cute. It’s going to be hard to kill him at the end. Well… maybe not.

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