Still planting tomatoes

You would think we would be done planting our garden by now wouldn’t you? Well we are but since the spring was so cloudy our tomatoes in the greenhouse didn’t mature as fast as they should have. So some of the people who usually buy from us had to buy from other places. No big deal – but holy smoke do we have a lot of extra stuff. For some reason it’s way too hard to throw them away. I can’t figure it out but there is no way that William or I can physically throw away a good plant. So we spent yesterday trying to find a spot on the farm to plant the extra plants. I decided to dig up the grass by the windmill for the cherry tomatoes. Daryl always says that if you can help it you should never drive on the grass because it will kill it. I used to think that maybe he knew that this was the truth but after taking away eight 5 gallon pails of grass roots, I’m doubting his knowledge on that one. But I was able to fit 26 extra plants there so that was good. Next William was trying to find a spot for around 20 (not sure what he ended up with) regular tomato plants. He ended up digging around the outside of his garden and surrounded it with them. The last thing that we had was basil. I was pretty sick of digging up new spots so I took the easy way out. Behind one of the buildings there was a spot. It’s not the sunniest but it was the easiest. So I put in another 20 basil plants there. I really don’t have any idea how many tomato plants we actually have planted now but if even half of them grow we are really going to be in trouble!

Update on Slick the gopher – he’s still alive and has now added two more gopher mounds since yesterday. I haven’t checked him today yet though. I’m over the scared stage of him and now it’s all about the capturing.

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