
Daryl has been working really long hours in New Hampton and yesterday was no exception. When he finally got home we decided to go out for supper. When I was getting ready,  Daryl put the license plates on the Chevelle and off we went to Charles City. When I asked him if he loved or liked his car,  he said he really liked it but it was too soon to use the love word.  He said he sees it like he was still in the dating stages with her. There are things that he really likes about her (she looks good, fun to be with …) but then there are a couple of things that he would change if he could. Too Funny!   The picture that I’ve attached was the peacocks in the yard looking at Daryl’s car last night. I didn’t know that they were out there until I saw Daryl open the front door and tell the dogs that if they get any closer that they can eat them!

Peacocks watching Daryl's car

So this morning is another routine with the farm animals with one exception. I’ve revised Slick’s trap. I think it was way too stiff and when I showed Daryl he also agreed. So I loosened it up. Daryl said that the trap should be so loose you should be scared of it. Well I’ve set it so many times that now I’m setting it bare foot and really not scared at all. But I think it wouldn’t trip and Slick was literally walking over it to make new mounds. So after I loosened it,  I saw that he made three more gopher mounds (I lost track on how many he’s made so far).  I found the intersection of the two tunnels that he was working on and set it again. From the family gopher expert – ‘placement is the key to catching a gopher’


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