Steppin’ Up

I did it. I joined the craze right now of people using the software wrist bands that can do just about everything but the dishes. I saw on one of the media posts that someone was selling theirs and because this person lived about 1/2 mile from me, I decided to buy it. It was kinda like fate or something. I’ve been looking at them for sometime now and doing quite a few comparisons of what I would buy if I bought one.  My only hope is that I don’t go too overboard with it. Humm.. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be safe come to think about it.

So I programmed it tonight and I really don’t have a clue how this thing really works yet. Like I said it tracks everything from your eating habits, to your exercise workouts, to your sleeping patterns. I mean it even is supposed to wake you up partially in your sleep 10 minutes before you are going to get up. That way it’s not such of a shock when the alarm goes off. OK, seriously? I mean EVERYDAY that the alarm goes off is a shock to me!

I guess it’s a good thing and I’m willing to give it a try. Now to just figure out if it can help with the dishes! 🙂

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