Where have I been?

I’m sure you’re wondering just where in the world have I been? Well, it’s not that we’ve gone on some extravagant vacation or even some quick get away, the truth is that we’ve just been pretty busy. See now that Thanksgiving is over, we’re working on getting ready for Christmas. The Christmas tree for the house has been bought IMG_3461and the outside garland has been hung on the porch.DSCN8376 The kids even got the outside tree put up in the Roadhouse which was really helpful for our special guest this weekend. But don’t let me fool you, we’ve also taken the time to make a couple of batches of soap now that Kelcie has been with us this week. DSCN8378She’s gotten pretty good at it and has even gone almost solo on the last batch. DSCN8379We’ve snuck away and have gone out for supper which was tons of fun! 20151201_200539At the end of the night after supper we even had a chance to drive through West Union to see the popular Christmas Display that seems to get larger and larger each year!20151201_205616But we’ve been doing some not so fun things these past days also. Tonight we’ve gone to two wakes. I don’t think we’ve ever had to go to two wakes in one night and I sure hope that we don’t have to do that again! So now the dishwasher is running and everyone is settling down for the night. The forecast for this weekend is supposed to be really nice and that will be just perfect. See we’re having around 60 people coming to celebrate St. Nicholas day on Saturday and having good weather sure makes it easier for everyone traveling from further away.

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