Herding cats – Thursday’s job

Our two fuzzy kitties seemed to have picked up a virus in their eyes lately and tonight I had plans to take them to the Vet to have them checked out.

Little did I know that this whole job wasn’t going to be as easy as I was thinking it was going to be. When I set up the appointment I didn’t think that much of the time that we agreed on. I mean it gave me 30 minutes to get home grab the kitties and then come back to town again for the appointment. Making the appointment so close to when I get off work was probably mistake number one. Well I got out of work tonight only 5 minutes late but that really was going to cut my timing short. I beat it home and I know that the kitties are always waiting for me in the afternoon, so all I have to do is grab them and get back on the road. As I pull into the yard – no cats! Don’t panic right, I’ll get some food and soon they’ll all come running.

I decided to get the cat carrier out of the garage first and with all the dry weather that we’ve been having lately when I got the carrier out in the sunlight, holy cow was it dirty. OK, mistake number two – clean the carrier when you have much more time to do it. Like an hour or so! So I literally ran to the house and I noticed that the kitties came up to the porch and now maybe this won’t be so bad to coral them after all. I went tearing through the house and grabbed the broom and when I stepped outside on the porch with the broom all the cats scattered! Seriously? They must be as terrified as the dogs of the broom. I’ll deal with that in a little bit. So I took the broom and started to frantically sweeping and beating this carrier to get it looking halfway clean. And honestly it didn’t look too bad but I’m thinking I might have looked a little scary doing it. This look might be why both the dogs and the cats run when I have a broom in my hand? Just guessing…..

Next thing was to catch the kitties. I ran back into the house again and grabbed some hot dogs. All kitties like hot dogs right? Well I could see the kitties not too far away and when I threw down some of the broken hot dogs they did come up to the house – but then they grabbed their pieces and ran away to the garage! Urrrghh. OK, I had to think smarter than these cats because time was a ticking away. So back into the house I go and grab some more hot dogs and the plan was to try this again. I stood by our house and when I called the kitties you would never had guessed that the little kitties came but then also about 20 chickens! For some crazy reasons lately, when the chickens hear me call the kitties they know that I’m feeding them something that they might like and they come running across the yard like they are in the Olympics or something. Have you ever seen chickens run? Not a good sight at all! And if you ask me, I’d say that something is very wrong with them if they come running to ‘here kitty kitty’ don’t you agree? So of course the kitties grab the hot dog pieces and dart to the garage again because the chickens are chasing them to get the food. So it’s me chasing the chickens – chasing the kitties.

Let’s just say this whole experience on catching these two kittens was like herding cats and that is never an easy job. Well, after finally catching the white kitty and fooling the other calico kitty, I did end up getting them into the cat carrier. But as I’m putting it into the car the carrier looked terrible! I thought it looked so much better when I had swept it off, but it must have been the lighting or something. Because now it looked really bad. So I take off running into the house and grab a wet cloth to wash it down. And finally I was finding myself sitting in the driver seat of the Pacifica. As I turn the key something catches my eye on the dash and what it was is that the gas tank on the car showed it was on the red line and almost empty. Seriously? I really wanted to take this car because sometimes when we take our animals to the vet they get scared so much that they can mess themselves. Gross! And if they did have an accident I thought that the Pacifica had a lot more room in it and could absorb the smell more. OK, not the best logic but it was what I was thinking. So at this point I took a chance and thought that I just needed to go and would just roll the dice.

At the end of this appointment I never did run out of gas, the kitties didn’t have any accidents in the car, and I even was 5 minutes early to the appointment. Yup one more project checked off this weeks To Do List. 🙂

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